Stop trying to cover everything!
Don't you wish you could have mini clones of careers advisors helping you out?
Well now you do.
This course goes through everything your students need. Exploring what's out there, how to contact employers, understanding insurance, getting forms signed, first impressions, etiquette at work experience and more!
Use it as an additional activity to compliment your existing program. Covering all aspects is not only helpful, it's compulsory you do as much as possible to prepare your students. Same messages, easy delivery broken into small modules with assessments they have to pass!
Again, an option for just yourself and select teachers to teach across classes, or you can have full access for all of your students for 12 months.
The is the ultimate course to get yourself ready for the workforce.
You've dabbled in work experience...
but you need help with resumes, cover letters, the latest hairstyles, fades and makeup trends- plus fashion?
Teachers- stop worrying about having your YouTube videos on point- we have EDGE professionals teaching them everything they need to know.
Use the programs that over 7,000 students have used, and actually gotten jobs off the back of it.
Over 38 videos, downloaded straight to an app on their phone.
You may be sick of online, but 100% students want to learn from their device away from school.
Let's give them an EDGE-ucation rather than another viral Tik Tok video that won't give them skills to pay the bills!
We're calling you!
Attention all Organisations!
Do you need up to date information for working with young people?
Find it hard to find quality resources that aren't cringe worthy and relatable to young people?
Well a former Careers Advisor has created you quality resources so you can save your time and focus on what you need to do
Work with the 2023 Winners of the Outstanding Education Service
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